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​Fact #1

Pada 1 Julai 1971, Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA) dikenali dengan nama Pejabat Perjawatan ditubuhkan dan merupakan salah satu bahagian di Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan yang diketuai oleh seorang Pegawai Perjawatan. 

Ikuti kami untuk maklumat mengenai JPA dan aktiviti-aktiviti sempena hari ulang tahun JPA ke-50, iaitu Jubli Emas JPA.


On 1 July 1971, the Public Service Department (PSD), then known as the Department of Establishment, was founded as one of the offices in the State Secretariat.

Join us for more insights on PSD and how we will be celebrating our 50 years, our Golden Jubilee.

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​Fact #2

Disebabkan penambahan jumlah pegawai dan kakitangan Kerajaan, Bahagian Perjawatan di Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan dinaik taraf menjadi Jabatan Perjawatan pada tahun 1975. Seterusnya, Pegawai Perjawatan yang mengetuai bahagian tersebut juga dinaikkan pangkat menjadi Pengarah Perjawatan. 

Ikuti kami untuk maklumat mengenai JPA dan aktiviti-aktiviti sempena hari ulang tahun JPA ke-50, iaitu Jubli Emas JPA.


Due to the increasing number of government officials and employees, the Department of Establishment at the State Secretariat became a separate entity in 1975. The rank of Personnel Officer leading the Department was promoted to Director of Establishment in 1976.

Join us for more insights on PSD and how we will be celebrating our 50 years, our Golden Jubilee.

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​Fact #3 

Setelah Negara Brunei Darussalam mencapai Kemerdekaan, Jabatan Perjawatan ditempatkan di bawah Jabatan Perdana Menteri pada 1 Januari 1984.

Ikuti kami untuk maklumat mengenai JPA dan aktiviti-aktiviti sempena hari ulang tahun JPA ke-50, iaitu Jubli Emas JPA.


After Brunei Darussalam gained independence, the Department of Establishment was placed under the Prime Minister’s Office on 1 January 1984.

Join us for more insights on PSD and how we will be celebrating our 50 years, our Golden Jubilee.

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Fact #4

1 Mei 1993: Nama Pejabat Perjawatan telah ditukar kepada Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam dan diketuai oleh seorang Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam. Perubahan gelaran ini mencerminkan peranan dan skop Jabatan sebagai pusat agensi dalam hal ehwal pengurusan dan perkembangan tenaga manusia bagi perkhidmatan awam Negara Brunei Darussalam.

Ikuti kami untuk maklumat mengenai JPA dan aktiviti-aktiviti sempena hari ulang tahun JPA ke-50, iaitu Jubli Emas JPA.


1 May 1993: The Department of Establishment was upgraded to the Public Service Department, led by a Director-General of Public Service. This reflects the growing function and scope of the Department as central agency for management and development of Brunei Darussalam’s civil servants.

Join us for more insights on PSD and how we will be celebrating our 50 years, our Golden Jubilee.

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​Fact #5

1906-1940: Dari segi pentadbiran Kerajaan, ianya terletak di bawah tanggungjawab Residen British selaku ketua pentadbiran awam. Antara peranan seorang Residen adalah selaku penasihat dalam hal ehwal pentadbiran, kecuali yang berkaitan dengan agama Islam dan adat istiadat. Penolong Residen, yang berpejabat di Daerah Belait, bertanggungjawab membantu Residen dalam hal ehwal pentadbiran. 


1906 – 1940: In terms of administration, the Resident spearheaded the civil service. Technically, the British Resident was an Adviser to the government on all matters of administration, except on matters relating to Islam and customs. However, as the head of the civil service, he was the de-facto head of government and the administrative ruler. The Assistant Resident, based in Belait District, was responsible for assisting the Resident in administrative affairs. 

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Fact #6

1945-1946: Pada 10 Jun 1945, Brunei diletakkan di bawah Pentadbiran Tentera British (British Military Administration - BMA), setelah tentera Jepun menyerah kalah kepada tentera Bersekutu. 

BMA meneruskan usaha pentadbiran jabatan- jabatan kerajaan dengan pelantikan beberapa pegawai tentera sebagai ketua jabatan. Pegawai- pegawai kerajaan juga diambil bekerja di jabatan masing-masing. 

Pentadbiran BMA bertujuan untuk memulihkan keamanan sebelum diserahkan semula kepada pentadbiran awam setelah keadaan diperbaik pulih. Wing Commander K.E.H. Key dilantik sebagai pentadbir Brunei, selaku wakil sementara Residen British. 


1945-1946: On 10 June 1945, Brunei was temporarily placed under the British Military Administration (BMA), after the Japanese surrendered to the Allied forces. The BMA continued administration of government departments with a number of military officers appointed as department heads. Government officials were also re-hired in their respective departments.

This administration was intended to restore peace, prior returning to civilian rule after the situation returned to normal. Wing Commander K.E.H. Key was appointed as the administrator of Brunei, a representative of the British Resident.  

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​Fact #7

Pada Jun 1946,  Pentadbiran Tentera British (British Military Administration - BMA) menyerahkan pentadbiran negeri Brunei kepada pentadbiran awam. Penyerahan semula pentadbiran awam bermakna Sistem Residen berjalan seperti biasa, maka kuasa tertinggi pentadbiran dipegang oleh Residen. Kuasa Residen dalam pentadbiran sebagai Ketua Pegawai Hal Ehwal Awam (Chief Civil Affairs Officer), Pengawal Kewangan dan Akaun (Controller of Finance and Accounts), Penjaga Harta (Custodian of Property), Pengawal Import dan Eksport (Controller of Imports and Exports) dan Pengawal Kastam (Controller of Customs) telah diwartakan dalam “The Interpretation Proclamation Enactment and Power Transfer”, yang diluluskan dalam mesyuarat Majlis Mesyuarat Negeri pada 6 Julai 1946. 


In June 1946, the British Military Administration (BMA) handed administration over to civilian rule. With this, the British Resident, who held power in administration, returned soon after.  This included power in the administration as Chief Civil Affairs Officer, Controller of Finance and Accounts, Custodian of Property, Controller of Imports and Exports and Controller of Customs as gazette in “The Interpretation Proclamation Enactment and Power Transfer”, which was approved in the State Council meeting held on 6 July 1946.

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Fact #8:

Awal tahun 1950an: Pada awal tahun 1950an, penyertaan anak tempatan mula bertambah dalam perkhidmatan awam tetapi kebanyakannya hanya memegang jawatan rendah. Hanya sebahagian kecil dapat memegang jawatan sebagai pegawai kanan, pegawai dan kerani. 

Bagi mengatasi masalah kekurangan tenaga kerja dalam jawatan separuh-mahir, Pegawai Pendidikan Negeri telah mengeluarkan arahan kepada pelajar-pelajar Brunei di Sarawak, meminta mereka yang tamat persekolahan dalam Darjah VII ke atas agar pulang ke Brunei untuk memasuki perkhidmatan awam. Mereka yang lulus Darjah VII ditawarkan jawatan dalam bidang perkeranian dalam pelbagai bidang, manakala bagi yang lulus Junior atau Secondary Cambridge berpeluang menjadi pegawai di Jabatan Pendidikan. 


Early 1950s: In the early 1950s, locals began to increasingly participate in civil service but mostly holding subordinate positions. Only a fraction of those held positions as senior officers, officers and clerks. 

To overcome the shortage of labour in semi- skilled jobs, the State Education Officer has issued a secular to Brunei students in Sarawak, which asked those who have completed schooling in Standard VII to return to Brunei Darussalam to join the civil service. Those who have passed Standard VII were offered clerical positions in various fields, while those who passed Junior or Secondary Cambridge would be given opportunities to become an officer in the Department of Education. 

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Fact #9:

Pertengahan – akhir 1950an: peranan Majlis Mesyuarat Negeri sebagai badan tertinggi dalam menelitikan dasar-dasar pentadbiran awam Brunei juga berkembang. Ianya bukan sahaja berperanan meluluskan undang-undang, akta dan enakmen, malah juga membincangkan perancangan-perancangan jabatan kerajaan, perjawatan, peraturan, laporan jabatan, latihan, pembentukan jawatankuasa dan sebagainya. 


Mid – end of the 1950s: the role of the State Council as the highest body in discussing Brunei Darussalam’s civil service policies also expanded. It not only passed laws, acts and enactments, but also discussed government departments’ plans, personnel, rules, departmental reports, training, formation of committees and others.

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​Fact #10: 

Dibentuk pada 29 September 1959, Perlembagaan Negeri Brunei 1959 (PNB) telah membentuk sebuah struktur pemerintahan dan pentadbiran Brunei secara mendadak dari segi dasar, sistem, dan struktur pentadbiran yang kini di bawah kuasa berkerajaan sendiri. 


Formed on 29 September 1959, the 1959 Constitution transformed Brunei’s administrative system dramatically, in terms of policies, systems, and administrative structure, which are now under the internal self-government. 

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